Sub-Layout has the same role as Joomla's Module. It was created to help admins reuse a layout section in many different Template Styles without having to repeat the work of creating layouts on that style.
Article Layout Builder
This function allows Admin to define the display layout for detailed articles of Joomla Content. From there, you can customize the content of each section in the article as well as diversify the layout of each type of article.
10 Header Modes
With 10 different header types (ex horizontal, stacked, sidebar, etc), you can easily customize your style and impress your customers.
Typography & Colors
Personalize your website with Typography and Color tools. Astroid supports Google Font, Local Font and Default Font. Additionally, to increase content accessibility, you can customize the website color in 2 modes: Light and Dark.
Advanced Mega Menu
Configure and organize your menu hierarchy with our Menu editor. You can choose from a standard dropdown menu style or a full-width megamenu menu style.
Light & Dark Mode
Support increased user interaction with light & dark mode. Help users feel comfortable reading your website content and increase customer satisfaction with your service.
Unlimited Custom Code
To personalize your website, you can easily add custom js and css to your website.
Bootstrap 5
Up-to-date with the latest Bootstrap version and its amazing features.
SaaS ready
Fully equipped to serve the purpose of SaaS businesses or applications.
Font Awesome 6
Power transform your icons with a nearly infinite icon pool.
Joomla 5 Compatibility
Future-proof your Astroid projects with Joomla 5 compatibility without the need for B/C plugin.
Child-Template supports
Don't worry when you overwrite the template files. They will be saved with the child template.
Preset Settings
Less hassle, more convenience! Now you can directly save/import/export the JSON file from the Preset settings.
Add Retina Logo
Display your site’s logo sharply even on high-resolution screens.
Lazy Loading
Enjoy reduced page weight, faster site, and improved conversion.
Off-Canvas Panel
Easily add Astroid particles to a location-configurable off-canvas panel.
Google Analytics
Easily analyze your site’s traffic and track performance.
RTL Support
Astroid has full support for RTL (right to left) languages like Arabic, Hebrew, etc.
Ajax Admin
Why waste time? Astroid's ajaxified lightening-fast backend saves time.
Customize Breakpoint
Astroid supports customize breakpoints to help improve UI.
Ajax Rating
Allow visitors to rate contents without reloading the page.
Refactored Codebase
Optimized codebase for more robust applications.