Keep track of your expenses
Keep track of your expenses and scan your business receipts with this simple, powerful expenses management system.
Import receipts with the built in scanner
Add expense data by scanning receipts, import from an existing photo, add a PDF from the Files app or enter an expense manually. Expense data is automatically detected and organised from scans and imported files.
Add more data about each expense item
Add more attachments, enter expense details and list multiple sub-items for each expense to keep detailed records.
Filter by tags and search for items
Group expense items by adding tags, which can then be used to filter for specific items, along with a custom search feature.
View items within a selected date range
View items for a selected date range, from the date picker shortcuts, or choose a custom date range with the built in date picker. The expense chart will show your spend trend across the selected date range.
Export expense items and attachments
Export expense data and attachments to send by message, email and more.