Track chores for a tidy home
Effortlessly manage and complete household chores with Chap, the best chores app out there. Ensure a tidy and organized living space for families, couples, roommates, and more.
Get started quickly with preset routines
Simplify chore planning with our ready-made routines, designed to suit various lifestyles and make getting started a seamless experience.
Control your home as an admin
Maintain household order with our admin controls, giving you the power to set rules and monitor progress, ideal for parents overseeing their family's chore responsibilities.
Analyze chores at a glance
Gain insights into chore completion with our analytics feature, presenting a clear timeline and graphs for a quick and easy assessment of household productivity.
Assign and rotate members
Foster teamwork by assigning and rotating chores among household members, ensuring a fair distribution of responsibilities with minimal effort.
Reward good work
Incentivize chore completion with our points system, turning tasks into a rewarding experience and motivating everyone to contribute to a well-organized home.
View each day's chores
Stay organized by easily viewing and planning daily chores through our Calendar view, helping you stay on top of your household tasks.
Organize and filter your way
Customize your chore management experience with versatile organizing and filtering options, allowing you to tailor the app to your unique household dynamics.
Dark mode available
Don't like to see your chores on a bright screen? No problem. Dark mode is available for free. Save your eyes the trouble and get chores done even in the dark.