Our voice agents call your voice agents
Teams currently spend hours testing their voice agents by hand. Use our voice characters (see demo) to create 1000s of concurrent phone calls to your voice agents and find bugs. This is 1000x more efficient than testing your voice agents by hand. Featured in our YC launch here.
Prompt Management
For B2B teams, each of your customers requires a slightly different prompt. You can store, manage, version and keep your prompts synced with voice infra providers from Hamming. Featured in our YC launch here.
Prompt Optimizer & Playground
Writing prompts by hand is slow and tedious. Use our prompt optimizer (free to try) to automatically generate optimized prompts for your LLM. Use our prompt playground to test LLM outputs on a dataset of inputs. Our LLM judges the quality of generated outputs. Save 80% of manual prompt engineering effort. Featured in our YC launch here.
Active monitoring
Go beyond passive monitoring. We actively track and score how users are using your AI app in production and flag cases using LLM judges that need your attention. Easily convert calls and traces into test cases and add them to your golden dataset. Featured in our YC launch here.