Stock footage
Buy and sell stock footage on the platform.
News footage
Buy and sell news footage on the platform.
Buy and sell documentaries on the platform.
Lower average prices
We charge lower sales commissions to sellers, so they can sell for less.
Accessible only to professionals
If you can't find the video you need, you can describe it and request it from the registered professionals.
Use footage without limits
No constraints on distribution channel or audience size and no need for attribution.
Fast professional support
For any problem, we are there for you and always respond in a very short time.
Much lower sales commissions
Only 30% vs. 60-85% on most other platforms.
You choose the selling prices
Based on the real value of your content. So you can succeed in selling both unique videos at high prices and common videos at lower prices.
Upload entire video footage
Without having to rework it or wait for agency approval - videos are immediately put up for sale.