Get to the target number in the middle by using some or all of the four corner numbers combined with the +, - and/or x buttons. There are three rounds (i.e. three target numbers) to complete a game.
You can...
Click the equals (=) sign to erase a mistake and reset. Use up all four numbers to skip to the next round.
Game Acceptance
The game will accept an answer +/- 1 away from the target but there is always a way to reach the exact target number!
More details
There are no brackets. You can see your running total in the green equals box as you go. At the end of your daily game, you will get your game results and solutions to any unsolved rounds. You will also have the option to try that round again.
NUMBOBULATE games to try
Sample round: 3 consecutive numbers, Factoring, Overshooting
Numbobulate scoring
2 points per round for a correct answer. Add an extra point per round for a speedy correct answer. Deduct a point per round if you submit a result that is one away from the target.
The colours
π©π©π© A correct answer => green squares. π¦π¦π¦ A speedy correct answer => blue squares. π§π§π§ If you get close to the target => orange squares.
The squares
π¦β¬π¦ The number of coloured (not white) squares you have per round corresponds to the number of operators (+, - and x buttons) you used (out of a maximum of 3) to get to the target.
An example
Say you get π©β¬π© in round 2. Green means you got the correct answer (Yay!) and you get 2 points for this correct answer. 2 green squares means you used 2 operators (and therefore just 3 of the 4 numbers) to get to your solution.
Slow and steady
Over time, your number of games played is combined with your average-score-times-10 to give you one of the following levels to mastery: PLAYER: Awarded after 9 games, GAMER: 27+ games AND a score of 54+, MASTER: 99+ games AND a score of 72+.