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Effortless travel


Give Hippy your travel details, and let our AI create your dream itinerary with maps, must-see spots, and stunning visuals—all in one place

Share your plans—Hippy’s AI creates your perfect trip

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Learn anything faster with AI by your side.
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Learn anything faster with AI by your side. Save yourself countless hours on studying unstructured material. To start, just upload your document. Cha
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Smart AI assistant
Our AI Chatbot can answer any question about your document. It can also explain images from the document and suggests follow-up questions.
Notes, Quizzes, Summaries...
Benefit from the core features you need to learn: Quizzes, Note-taking, Summaries and much more.
Works in 10+ languages
The platform adapts to the language of your document.
Configure your own layout
You choose what is shown on the screen. Choose from 6 presets and customize them to your own preferences.
Visualize your documents
Visualize key concepts and topics in one click. Just say what you want to visualize and a beautiful and useful graphic is automatically generated.
Chat with entire folders
Chat with sets of documents by placing them in a folder. The AI assistant explains relations between documents, and searches information in multiple documents at the same time.
MathShine App
Productivity | Kids
Free Options
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Quick Math Operations
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Teacher-Prepared Questions
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Customizable Interface
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Multiplayer Mode
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Interactive Learning
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Happy Children
Guess World Flags
Education | Tech
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Multiplayer Support
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Flag Identification
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Global Journey
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Guessed Flags
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Multiple Game Modes
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Productivity | Education
Free Options
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Transform Entire Courses into Interactive Study Materials with AI
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What we do
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How It Works
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Upload unlimited content
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Smart Content Mapping
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