Unlimited LinkedIn Information
Access unlimited information on a person or a company with a single click. ScrapIn aggregates data from multiple sources, ensuring comprehensive and up-to-date results.
Fresh Data in Real Time
ScrapIn searches for data in real time and never uses a database, which means you'll receive up-to-date information in real time guaranteeing the relevance and effectiveness of your actions.
100% Legal Compliance
ScrapIn operates within the legal framework, ensuring full compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection laws. Our processes are transparent and designed to uphold the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct.
Get all the information you want
All the information you need from LinkedIn with unrivalled precision. From a person's situation to their place in the company, get all the information you need.
Integrating and automating with ScrapIn
Our LinkedIn data scraper is easy to integrate. With a few lines of code using our different SDKs, embed our API into your software and start extracting data from LinkedIn effortlessly.
Access our opensource API
Access our free and open source LinkedIn data scraper directly from GitHub. Dive into a robust community of developers, benefit from collective improvements, and customize the tool to fit your specific needs.
24/7 support
To ensure optimal use, our dedicated support team is always on hand, ready to answer all your questions, any time of the day or night.