Red Flag Analyzer
Find hidden risks in your contracts. Get detailed analysis, and spot hidden risks & unfavourable terms that might go unnoticed otherwise.
Personalized Suggestions
Get recommendations to fix unfavourable terms and contract errors. Receive tailored suggestions based on your specific contract needs and standard set by you.
Ask our AI
Get quick answers to your contract-related question. Just upload your contracts, and simply ask questions or seek clarifications on specific clauses, terms, or legal jargon.
Automated contract summary
Understand complicated contracts with short and simple summaries. Get a brief and easy-to-understand overview of what the contract is about, who is accountable for what, and any relevant dates or criteria.
Set your own contract standards
Customize your contract standards to match your business goals. When it comes to contracts, we understand that one size does not fit all. Your company is unique, and your contracts should reflect that.