Log requests
Warehouse every model request to your PostgreSQL database. Use logs to analyze, evaluate, and monitor models.
Run analysis and experiments
We store a customizable JSON object so you can granularly monitor usage, calculate cost, run evaluations, and fine-tune models.
Continuous testing and evaluations
Sample logs and test features in production. Version models and configuration, and get alerts when you need to take action.
Data interoperability
Log requests to your database. Secure and compliant.
Granular analysis
Query data with SQL to analyze usage, cost, and metrics.
Intelligent caching
Optimize costs and latency with request caching.
Evaluations framework
Configure evaluations to test your models, settings, and metrics.
Experiments & monitoring
Run evals on subsets of logs, or continuous testing in production.
Dataset generation
Export datasets for fine-tuning models and other batch workflows.