Use The Tools You Love
Postman, cURL, Javascript fetch, Python requests... whatever you're into. Make your backend tasks a breeze with all your favourite HTTP tools and libraries. They're here to stay, just like good buddies should.
Powerful Sorting and Paging
Server-side sorting and pagination are included for sure. Supply an 'order_by' query-parameter with the field name, and dictate the order using 'order_dir'. For example: ?order_by=birthdate&order_dir=asc
Advanced Query Filtering
Add a parameter with your field name and value for common filtering — just as easy as ?name=Thomas. Need more granularity? Append an operator postfix such as _gt, _gte, _neq, _lt, _lte, _eq to your field names. For instance, ?birthdate_gt=1999-12-31.
Future Features in the Pipeline
WebSocket Notifications, WebHooks Subscriptions, Google Docs as Backend, Payload Validation, Data Generation